This page contains a demo for an interface for visualizing document timelines and relationships between documents, applied to the U.S. Constitutional Convention 1787 (2019) dataset from the Quill Project Database. The interface consists of three components: a global dataset timeline view, a document timeline view, and a text view.

This page shows visualziation components using a static sample of document + committee data from the dataset, namely one of the amended versions of the Virginia Plan discussed by the Committee of the Whole House. The Quill platform allows interactive selection and navigation between different documents, and can be seen here.

Global Dataset Timeline

This component displays a timeline of the selected document in the context of other documents and sessions occurring in the convention dataset.

Global Timeline

Document Timeline

This component displays a local timeline for events pertaining a version of a document discussed by a given committee.


Document Text

This component contains four panels: related documents, a text viewer, and selection boxes for people and keywords.

Ancestor Line
Text viewer
Hide removed text Hide event references

These tools were designed and implemented by Gabriel Dias Cantareira, Yiwen Xing, and Alfie Abdul-Rahman at King’s College London, and partially funded by a grant from Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EP/V028871/1).